Castro takes over and the Caps are down

7 Nov

Within the span of 20 minutes I have learned two important things; Castro guerrilla’s army kicked some serious ass and Harding is a legit goalie.

In between reading about the US removing support from Batista’s regime and Castro’s forces battling their way twords Havana  the Wild suddenly scoring two goals. While this is definitely not a good thing seeing as it places the Wild up by one going into the third, the Caps ability to try and come back with heavy pressure on the net was.

While 14 shots wasn’t enough, it was a start for the Caps. As they continue the game into the third, they need to keep the pressure on the Wild’s defense as they did in the first and come out strong and willing to score. If continue to keep the pressure and look sharp, there’s no way this game isn’t the Caps.

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